Membership Benefits

CAR is an active group for networking and organizing among practitioners, teachers, activists, policy makers and scholars like you. This includes developing new and expanded opportunities for you to network with colleagues who share your enthusiasm for anthropology and reproduction, at conferences, at events, and other activities.


Access to the CAR Listserv

This allows you to send and receive email messages to the entire CAR membership. Listserv messages usually provide information about upcoming conferences, job announcements, calls for papers, and recent, relevant publications. Many messages are not in any other listservs and serve as valuable ‘insider’ information to our members.

Access to the CAR Membership Directory

This includes names, institutional affiliations, contact information and research interests for all CAR members. It serves as an important networking tool for those seeking colleagues with similar research and programmatic interests. The directory is now primarily distributed electronically but for those with a preference, a paper version remains as an option.

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